
Alex Shadrachs envisions a Nigeria where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. His vision is centered on three key pillars:

In the heart of Nigeria, a leader rises,

With a vision so bright, like the sun's surprises,

Alex Shadrachs, a name to remember,

A force for change, a glowing ember.


A voice for the youth, a beacon of hope,

With dreams of a future where we all can cope,

Empowering minds, uplifting the weak,

A world where opportunity is what we seek.


Oh, young voters, lend him your ear,

For Alex Shadrachs' message is clear,

Together we'll build a nation so grand,

With love, compassion, and a helping hand.


He stands with the widows, the children in need,

A man of action, not just words or creed,

In schools and streets, his impact is felt,

A better Nigeria, with the cards we're dealt.


So, rise up, young voters, and join the cause,

For Alex Shadrachs will break down the walls,

That hold us back, that keep us confined,

With him, a brighter future we'll find.


In unity, we'll march towards the light,

With Alex Shadrachs, our guiding knight,

A new Nigeria, where dreams take flight,

Together, we'll make our future right